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Why we eat the way we eat: Dr. Scott Kahan at TEDxManhattan
Why we eat the way we eat Dr Scott Kahan at TEDxManhattan HPDP session
Can a Simple Piece of Paper Change the Way We Eat? Kavita Shukla at TEDxManhattan
FoodCorps | Curt Ellis | TEDxManhattan
Food Rituals: How They Affect the Way We Eat | The New York Times
Dinner makes a difference: Laurie David at TEDxManhattan
The reality of green restaurants: Elizabeth Meltz at TEDxManhattan
Building a slow food nation: Josh Viertel at TEDxManhattan
The way we eat helps our spiritual life
How to talk about weight with kids | Scott Kahan
In Harlem, a business culture for healthy eating: Barbara Askins at TEDxManhattan